When asked to pick one word to describe what led to their success, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet famously had the same answer: focus.
Does your personal financial enterprise have focus?
As your success grew, so did the list of personal financial issues and players involved. Wayfinder offers a formula to clients to help business owners, affluent families and executives look for as this occurs:
Wealth Management = Investment and Insurance Planning + Advanced Planning
And Advanced Planning = Wealth Enhancement (tax mitigation) + Wealth Preservation (creditor protection planning) + Wealth/Business Transfer (business sale, estate planning) + Charitable Planning
At this level of complexity, you need focus. Your team of advisors should be working towards a goal set through a comprehensive plan which accounts for both business and personal financial needs.
This is what a Personal CFO does for you, helping you identify and execute specific financial strategies, while coordinating with the various advisors who fill distinct roles within the strategy. Your Personal CFO will not manage financial affairs inside a business, but helps coordinate the integration of your business financial life to your personal financial life.
We are often retained initially to address a specific issue like a growing tax bill. As our relationship grows, our comprehensive process will help you establish your own guideposts and present opportunities in legal, tax, and administrative matters that promote you and your family’s values.